Half day for $500

Your group can donate $500 to volunteer for a half day at St. Vincent’s kitchen. We have two shifts available to choose from. The morning shift where DOFN prepares the meal from 9am-1pm. You can have up to 10 people participate for this morning shift. The second shift is the afternoon shift, where DOFN serves the meal restaurant style to the patrons from 3pm-7pm. You can have up to 20 people participate for this shift.

Full day for $750

You group will have the kitchen for volunteering the full day. We encourage groups to take photos of themselves volunteering for social media. We would also appreciate receiving photos to post to our social media pages as well. Please note, permission must be permitted to include any patrons in photos.

Donations Made Easy

To volunteer, please contact the DOFN office at Tel: 905-434-7543, or email our director of operations directly at valerie@durhamoutlook.com