Workplace COVID-19 Safety Plan

1) How will you ensure all workers know how and are able to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19?

Essential information will be disseminated via:

1)Regular updates at staff meetings and volunteer shifts

2)Notices Posted

3)Email updates

4)Discussions with supervisors

5)Volunteer meetings and information pre-shift briefings

6)Email updates from Director of Operations going out to volunteers.

2) How will you screen for COVID-19?


Staff Screening Procedures:

Volunteer Screening Procedures:

Visitor (Public) Screening Procedures:

3)How will you control the risk of transmission in your workplace?


1) All staff, patrons, visitors, volunteers will wear a mask at all times when indoors in Durham Outlook offices and/or kitchen and store. Masks must also be worn in all times in Durham Outlook vehicles, unless you are in the vehicle on your own. Masks must be worn at all times when loading/unloading a Durham Outlook vehicle at a communication location.

2) Masks may only be removed for eating or drinking when in a designated space. Designated spaces inside the Durham Outlook facilities include:

i)The Kitchen (max 2 people at one table)
ii)The board room (max 6 people at one time)
iii)In the general office (max 3 people at one time)
iv)In the Director of Operations office (max 2 people at one time)

3) A maximum of two administrative staff will be present working on site each working day, with provisions for working at home provided at all other times.

4) A maximum of 20 volunteers will be scheduled to work in any of the kitchen areas at any one time. Staff will circulate an updated volunteer schedule to ensure that numbers remain 20 or below. This is the number of volunteers who can safely work in one of the main sections and maintain appropriate physical distancing. Store volunteers will be limited to 2.

5) PPE, including masks, face shields, goggles, gloves will be made available to all staff and volunteers. Staff will be responsible for ordering new supplies and making sure that PPE items are readily available in all locations where staff/volunteers work.

6) PPE will be available at the main entrances to Durham Outlook so that anyone coming into the building can be directed to wear a nonmedical face covering and sanitize.

Hand sanitizer, soap, disinfectant and paper towels will be made readily available at all workstations, meeting rooms, bathrooms, kitchen, handwashing stations, break areas and in Durham Outlook vehicles. Staff and volunteers will be reminded/encouraged to use goodhand hygiene practices. Signs will be posted for a visual reminder.

7) Staff and volunteers will be reminded/encouraged to disinfect frequently touched surfaces(i.e. counters, tables, door handles, taps) and any shared equipment (i.e. ovens, steamtables, vehicle steering wheels, laundry etc.) after each shift/work activity and betweenuses. The staff will be responsible for making sure supply of hand sanitizer, disinfectant,cleaners, paper towels and soap is always maintained as needed in these areas/stations.

8) Signs and visual reminders for physical distancing will be posted in office areas, kitchenareas, and other communal areas such as the second hand store and sorting room. Thesecond hand store will have a maximum occupancy limit of 4 people.(Includes Volunteers)Volunteers will be limited to 3 or less per activity/working area (i.e. dishes, cooking, etc.)Staff will attempt to keep groups (cohorts) of volunteers the same from week to week (dailyschedule) to further limit number of contacts as much as possible.

9) Plexiglass barrier has been installed at front reception areas. Vestibule door will also be keptclosed to help limit contact with unexpected visitors and other members of the publiccoming into the building.

10) Building doors will be closed/locked as much as possible to limit in/out traffic to staff,guests, donors and/or trades people. Drivers, patrons & volunteers will be encouraged toenter/exit through the designated volunteer and patron exists so that traffic flow can becontrolled, physical distancing can be maintained and so that everyone entering completesself-screening/sign in procedures.

11) Meetings, PR events, trainings and other group activities will be schooled when they canoccur outdoors or be done remotely.

12) Durham Outlook has purchased a sanitizer machine to do disinfecting/fogging of all office,kitchen, employee/volunteer spaces daily. All high touch surfaces and equipment areincluded.

13) Durham Outlook has provided disposable cups, cutlery etc. and individually packed snacks involunteers breakroom to minimize touches and any “shared” handling of refreshment items.

14) Durham Outlook is implementing operational procedures to reduce the number of touchesfor all food products being processed through the kitchen. Part of these new proceduresinclude using single-use boxes and minimal volunteer contact. This is limiting the amount ofmaterials that is being handled and rehandled by members, volunteers, drivers and staff.

15) Ventilation will be maximized as much as possible (weather permitting) with making sure there is increased fresh air flow in kitchen by having large overhead by (loading dock) doors open and using fans. Ventilation will be promoted in front office as mush as possible with having door(s) open to outside and/or kitchen as much as possible.

16) Deliveries will only be offloaded to donors if the personnel from the public is also wearing all required PPE.

17) Plexiglass will be installed between patron tables in kitchen . There will be a limit of 2 patrons per table.

18) Supervisor will be the only person to handle the table, pen, sign in book at the front desk. No one other then the supervisor, cashier and bread shelf volunteers will be allowed in designated supervisor office area. Max 3 Volunteers in supervisor office area at a time.

4) What will you do if there is a potential case, or suspected exposure to, COVID-19 at your workplace?


If a volunteer, patron or employee reports illness (symptoms), Positive COVID-19 diagnosis orexposure/potential exposure:

a) Staff/volunteers/patrons will be directed to follow all public health directives regardingself-isolation, quarantine and/or contact tracing from home.

b) Director of Operations will contact Durham Public Health Department to reportsymptoms, or positive COVID-19 diagnosis or potential exposure.

c) Staff member or volunteer will call Director of Operations to report illness and/orpotential exposure.

d) Director of Operations will contact any other Durham Outlook staff, patrons orvolunteers who may have had contact with individual and subsequent potentialexposure.

e) Staff and direct supervisor will make plans as appropriate for working remotely if able/needed.

f) Director of Operations will notify other Durham Outlook staff team members ifcoverage of duties/responsibilities is required.

g) If volunteer reports absence due to illness or possible exposure, Director of Operationswill find staff member or another volunteer who is available to cover duties if required.

If a staff or volunteer was to report symptoms while on Durham Outlook premises or while makingdeliveries/pick-ups out in the community in a Durham Outlook vehicle the procedure is as follows:

1) Notify/call Director of Operations or another member of the Durham Outlook staffteam to report symptoms.

2) Return to Durham Outlook building (If on the road)

3) Stop all work-related activities. Call Durham Public Health Unit to report symptoms/exposure.

4) Go home if they are well enough to drive and have a vehicle or arrangetransportation.

5) Wait in board room with door closed if they need to wait for a ride or can't leave to go home immediately. They can self-isolate in the board room which will then be cleaned disinfected by staff after they leave.

6) Staff will clean/disinfect any of the workstations/areas the individual had been including any vehicles.

7) Staff will make arrangements to complete deliveries or other work duties as needed.

8) Director of Operations will follow-up with staff/volunteer to see how symptoms progressed/notify of test results and contact public health as required.

5) How will you manage any new risks caused by changes to the way you operate your business?


1) Regular review staff meetings, volunteer meetings and boardmeetings.

2) Ask for input/feedback from volunteers during pre-shift briefings and informational update meetings.

3) Review public health information when new guidelines, regulations or orders are put out make changes, adjustments and updates to out plan as needed.

4) Network with Feed Ontario and other large food hubs to share ideas, feedback and experiences.

5) Should any complaints, emergencies, safety risks or non-compliance issues arise, complete an Durham Outlook Health and Safety Incident Report and make sure a copy of the report and any subsequent follow-up is included in COVID-19 Safety Plan Binder.


Valerie Moreton (Director of Operations)

November 22, 2021


The above is also available in PDF format